The Monmouth Club is a membership program valid at Monmouth Park, Woodbridge OTW, Hillsborough OTW and any other Off-Track-Wagering facility operated by Darby Developments LLC. Membership in the Monmouth Club is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 years of age or older. Employees, and their immediate families, of Darby Development, William Hill, and Legends are not eligible. By joining the Monmouth Club you represent that you are of legal wagering age in and a legal resident of your state or district of residence and that you agree to the terms and conditions of the Monmouth Club.
Your Membership is valid only at participating Darby Development properties. Your Membership is nontransferable and is subject to current and future Monmouth Club rules. One membership and one membership card per person. Members are in no way permitted to share their card with other members or non-members. Members may not combine points earned by other members in the Monmouth Club or transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of points in violation or attempted subversion of these terms and conditions. Failure to follow this policy will result in automatic termination of the member’s account and forfeiture of any accumulated or earned Monmouth Club points. Any other privileges associated with your Membership will also be revoked without exception.
Monmouth Club Members share in a percentage of the racetrack’s revenue from each bet.
The racetracks earn different amounts dependent on certain factors:
• The state takeout rate for each racetrack
• The cost of the racetrack signal
• Type of wager
For example, Pennsylvania tracks have high takeout rates and charge us lower fees so we earn more money on wagers made than we would on Kentucky tracks that have low takeout rates and charge us higher fees. Therefore, a player is likely to earn a higher percentage rebate on Pennsylvania tracks than on Kentucky tracks.
Straight win, place and show bets earn the least, while exotic bets like trifectas, which normally carry a higher takeout rate, earn the most.
When a wager is made, the % returned is in the form of POINTS. Example: If a patron is in the Silver Level and he wagers $1 to win on Monmouth Park, then they would receive 1.04 points back to their account. (See Sample Chart under Monthly Wagering Levels for percentage returns by Level.)
Monmouth Club Members can have their wagers recorded in one of two ways—by handing the Club Card to a teller prior to wagering, or by swiping the Card at a Self-Service Terminal prior to wagering. After wagering, players should always check their tickets to ensure their wager has been recorded. If the wager has been successfully recorded, the player’s Monmouth Club account number will appear at the bottom of the ticket.

Monmouth Club Members can redeem their points at any Monmouth Club Kiosk located at Monmouth Park, Favorites at Woodbridge or the new Favorites at Hillsborough. Player’s Level can redeem their points for programs, daily racing forms, admission, etc. Players Level may not redeem for betting vouchers, only the Bronze Level and higher for cash vouchers. Bronze Members and above can redeem their points for cash rewards and all of the aforementioned items. Please refer to the Monmouth Club Prize List.
Click below to view complete chart :
PLAYER: $0 - $2,000 |
GOLD: $20,001 - $40,000 |
BRONZE: $2,001 - $8,500 |
PLATINUM: $40,001 - $80,000 |
SILVER: $8,501 - $20,000 |
DIAMOND: $80,001+ |
You may cancel your membership at any time by notifying Darby Developments via mail, email or telephone. Once a member has cancelled his/her account, all points and other privileges associated with your Membership shall be forfeited.
Darby Developments reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate or modify the Monmouth Club and the terms and conditions applicable to the Club at any time without any notice or further obligation to members. Darby Developments reserves the right at any time to terminate any member’s account for any reason. Upon termination or cancellation of an individual member’s account or the entire TSC program, all points and other privileges associated with your Membership shall be forfeited.
Failure to earn any Monmouth Club points within 12 consecutive months will result in the automatic expiration of any points earned prior to such calendar year. In addition, Darby Developments reserves the right to terminate your Membership in such event.
Click on chart to view the prize list.
1. How do I join the Monmouth Club? Is it free?
Monmouth Clubmembership is free. You can sign-up at Monmouth Park Racetrack, Favorites @ Woodbridge or Favorites @ Hillsborough.
2. How does the club work?
Once enrolled, you'll receive your own personal Monmouth Club card. This card is your passport to club benefits. Present your card to the mutuel clerk, or into the self-service machine each time you wager. Every time you wager with the Monmouth Club card, you will earn points towards great prizes and rewards.
3. What if my card is lost or stolen?
No. It only takes one second for the mutuel clerk to insert the card into the reader and automatically record your wager.
5. Is my account confidential?
All information pertaining to your account is strictly confidential and is not available to any other companies, partners or third-party vendors.
6. May I share my card with family or friends?
No. Each member is expected to have an individual Monmouth Club Card.
7. When do points get added to my account?
Points will be added the day after your wager is placed.
8. Do my points expire?
Yes. Inactive points expire from your account in one year.
After a year, the system does take away inactive points from accounts, but it can not distinguish between active and inactive accounts.
9. How do I check my account?
To check your account, simply sign-in to your Monmouth Club account at monmouthclub.customerentry.com. Click "Sign-In" on the main page. Type in your account number in the designated field, and type your PIN # in the designated field below it. Then, click "Sign-In". All of your account information will be available on the following page.
Michelle Pearson - 732-512-5016 mpearson@monmouthpark.com
